Big Picture of the Bible - New Testament

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Do you need more of God’s peace, spiritual direction, and guidance? If so, experience God through Scripture with Big Picture of the Bible - New Testament. This second book in our Big Picture of the Bible series takes readers on a step-by-step journey through the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation. You’ll see how God fulfilled the plan He laid out in the Old Testament through Jesus’ birth, ministry, death, and resurrection.

Using the same easy-to-read format, Big Picture of the Bible – New Testament helps readers better understand the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. Emphasis is placed on those events in the New Testament that were prophesied in Old Testament Scripture. Allow God to reveal Himself to you through His Word. Experience more of God’s peace and spiritual guidance as you learn about God’s character, His love, and His amazing grace. God invites you to join Him through Scripture to a more personal, intimate relationship with Him.

New Testament Table of Contents



Using This Study


Historical Background
  • Old Testament Summary
  • Between the Old and New Testaments
  • New Testament Background
Chapter 1: Jesus' Birth and Early Ministry
  • Summary
  • Section 1: God's Plan Unfolds
  • Section 2: Jesus' Birth and Youth
  • Section 3: Baptism and Temptation
  • Section 4: Early Ministry - Part 1
  • Section 5: Early Ministry - Part 2
  • Review
Chapter 2: Jesus' Ministry in Galilee
  • Summary
  • Section 1: Galilean Ministry Begins
  • Section 2: Jesus' Message
  • Section 3: Miracles and Confrontations
  • Section 4: Jesus' Parables
  • Section 5: Rejection and Opposition
  • Review
Chapter 3: Final Phase of Jesus' Ministry
  • Summary
  • Section 1: Mentoring the Disciples
  • Section 2: Conflict with Religious leaders
  • Section 3: Preparing the Disciples
  • Section 4: One Man Should Die
  • Section 5: On the Way to Jerusalem
  • Review
Chapter 4: Jesus' Death and Resurrection
  • Summary
  • Section 1: Entering Jerusalem
  • Section 2: Debates and Warnings
  • Section 3: Jesus' Farewell
  • Section 4: Jesus' Arrest and Trial
  • Section 5: The Crucifixion and Resurrection
  • Review
Chapter 5: Establishing the Church
  • Summary
  • Section 1: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
  • Section 2: Good News in Jerusalem
  • Section 3: Good News in Samaria and Judea
  • Section 4: Good News to the Gentiles
  • Section 5: The Apostles Face Persecution
  • Review
Chapter 6: Spreading the Good News
  • Summary
  • Section 1: Paul's First Missionary Journey
  • Section 2: Paul's Second Missionary Journey
  • Section 3: Paul's Third Missionary Journey
  • Section 4: Paul's Arrest
  • Section 5: Building the Faith
  • Review

Review Answers

Appendix 1: How We Got the New Testament

Appendix 2: Selecting a Bible

Appendix 3: Comparison of Bible Translations

Appendix 4: Organization of the New Testament

Appendix 5: New Testament Summary of Major Events

Appendix 6: New Testament Rulers

Appendix 7: Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus of Nazareth

Appendix 8: God's Plan of Redemption and Salvation

Appendix 9: Accepting God's Free Gift of Redemption and Salvation



Big Picture of the Bible - New Testament Preface

What do you do when you are facing tough times and personal hardships? Where do you turn when the answers to life's many challenges just aren't available? Do you seek professional advice, read self-help books or simply continue struggling on your own? Did you know that one of the oldest, most reliable and trusted best-sellers of all time has all the answers you need? It's the Bible!

For years, I experienced constant torment caused by chronic headache pain. Every day, every waking minute, I had headache pain. It didn't stop. After years of pain and with no apparent solution in sight, I finally cried out to God for help.

Up to that time, I had thought I could do almost anything I wanted - without God's help. My accomplishments thus far were testament to that (or so I thought!). I finished college in three years and immediately went into a management position with a large corporation. Promotions soon followed. And then I met Mr. Right. We were married and I soon realized that Mr. Right was definitely Mr. Wrong! We divorced and I immersed myself back into my career. My responsibilities increased and so did my stress level.

Then the headaches started - excruciating headaches. I'd wake every morning with a headache and go to bed every night with a headache. Nothing helped. I visited doctor after doctor - allergists, neurologists, psychiatrists, acupuncturists, even a pain management clinic. No one had an answer to my problem. As my life spiraled out of control, I began experiencing severe bouts of depression.

With no place to turn, I cried out to God. Through His grace, I remembered something my mother told me in my youth. She said that God would speak to me through the Bible. Scripture is God's formula for success. I began meditating on Scripture every morning before starting my work day. Over time, as I read God's Word, the pain started to diminish.

As I cultivated my relationship with God, He began doing incredible things in my life. He led me to a Christian headache specialist who diagnosed my problem and prescribed medicine that relieved my headache pain. My employer offered me an early retirement package which I readily accepted. And soon after that, I met and married a wonderful man, my soul mate and life partner, chosen by God.

My healing came from the greatest self-help book of all times - the Bible! God's message of hope was what I needed to overcome the inner struggle that plagued me. Over the years, the Bible has become my source for inspiration and mental well-being.

Why don't more people read the Bible on a regular basis? Could it be that many find it too difficult to understand - or simply can't see how it relates to them today? In response to this obstacle and God's call, I wrote Big Picture of the Bible - Old Testament and Big Picture of the Bible - New Testament. Both books are designed to help you read, more fully understand and embrace God's Word.

As you begin your study of Big Picture of the Bible - New Testament, please use it as a tool to assist in your Bible reading - not as a substitute. My prayer for you is that God will plant in you a strong desire to read His Word more often and more consistently. Everything you need to live a successful life is in God's Word. God wants to speak to you. Allow Him to lead you into a deeper, more personal encounter with Him through the pages of the Bible.

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"Overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us . . . indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Romans 8:37, 39 NLT